Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dis is good news!

Quinn has been in speech therapy for a couple years now (can you believe it?). Anyway, he has made and enormous amount of progress. That said, he still uses "d" for most of the beginning th sounds with an occasional "f" coming out too. So, this is dis, that is dat, three is free, birthday is birfday, etc. Well...he is now saying this, that, there, three, thirteen. He got marked down in preschool because it sound like he was saying twelve, fourteen, fourteen, fifteen. He was saying "firteen" for thirteen. In the last 3 weeks or so, he has started trying very hard to say "th" and he has been successful. He started The Listening Program in November! I sure hope it helps with s, sh, j & ch. I can say won't hurt!

Joe and I are listening too. You aren't supposed to do anything that requires a lot of concentration while listening (like reading, video games, etc.). I broke the rules last night and played "brickbreaker" on my phone (loser, I know but Quinn has me hooked). I beat my highest score (which was already higher than Joe's)!! I rocked! Okay, so what if it was brickbreaker, just think what I could accomplish if I tried something important :)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Glad to hear that the kids are both making progress...these are the little things we LIVE for.