Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Girl Fight

Chloe had her friend Lily over today. Chloe hasn't had a lot of individual playdates because of her hitting. She has gotten so much better! Lily has come over for a playdate twice now and she says she is coming back :).
I thought I would point out one major difference between boys & girls...Chloe and Lily had a sword fight today - just like the boys. That said, they didn't use pretend swords that make clanking sounds when you hit with them. They used pool noodles and laughed hysterically as they "fought" on the trampoline so no one would get hurt. Note baby lying behind the "sword fight".

At one point they were arguing intently about Chloe's baby Joe Joe. Lily would say, "He's my Joe Joe." Chloe, "No my Joe Joe." Lily, "NO MY JOE, JOE!" Chloe, "NO, MY JOE JOE!!!!!". It was music to my ears! Chloe was having a real conversation with her real friend on her real playdate! Praise God!!!